Monday, April 10, 2006

I love the rain.....

But only when I'm stuck at home. The cool weather is always a welcome change.

I got caught in a massive storm on yesterday. Decided to take a drive down to Amcorp Mall to use my RM 50 deposit for another other since I won't be getting the Star Wars figures. After opening up the Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader Evolutions pack - I think its a wise move too. Apprarently, Anakin's arms are not jointed but swivelled. That means his arms aren't that articulated. Screw those cloth cloaks - I'll just stick to what I have. The Sideshow 12-inch figures look much better.

The owner had to do some business at the post office and said he would be back in a short while so I stood staring at his showcase of wonderful toys. As I was standing there, a girl ran out of the fire escape doors. Didn't really look at her. Then, a guy ran out - looking like he was pulling up his pants. Again I didn't pay much attention. After that - out ran an elderly security guard shouting and running after the 2 people. I wonder what that couple were doing in the stairwell? Sex? Or were they a couple of thieves? I guess I'll never know. But I do know that the elderly really have no business being security guards. What the hell can they do when in pursuit of people with younger hearts and muscles?

The stop at Amcorp Mall was supposed to be short - change my order and get out of there as I had to pick D from Summit. Ended up staying more than 2 hours there. Paid another RM 50 deposit making a total of RM 100 for the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime.

As I was about to leave - I realized that there was a heavy thunderstorm. Thought I would stay awhile to wait for the rain to stop but scrapped the idea.

Almost everywhere I went, drain water was overflowing onto the roads. I haven't seen anything like this in a long time. Water flowing out from one drain, across the road into and out of another drain. It was chaos. That particular junction in SS2 was flooded and I saw an old BMW 7-series with a dead engine (I presume) in the middle of the road. I have this phobia of my own car dying during extremely wet and flooded conditions so I decided to take a detour at DU and drive up along the LDP to get to USJ. Along the way - I was hoping I didn't have to go to anymore flooded stretches. It took me almost an hour just to get from USJ back home. What a day.

The more I think about it, the more I think a seperate blog isn't such a good idea. It's a pain to maintain I reckon - even having to access it from the Dashboard is a little too troublesome for me. I might just scrap that plan completely and just mix everything in here like a big bowl of "rojak".

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