Thursday, December 07, 2006

Willy Wonka Whoring Wares.....


WWWW was actually something I came up with while taking my shower.

Its actually "Willy Wonka Whoring Wares". Pretty nifty huh? I'm so proud of myself.

What does Willy Wonka have to do with anything? Almost EVERYTHING in this post tonight.

Tonight's post is all about chocolate. Mmmmm, yummy. I'll admit that I'm kind of a chocoholic. So without further ado......

Hershey's Dark Chocolate Kisses - I've always liked the slight bitterness of dark chocolate. This one, which I've never seen before was good. So much better than the normal milk chocolate.

A close-up of the Kiss.....

I think sis got it from the airport though I can't be really sure.

Hershey's Kissables.

Is it just me or does Hershey's milk chocolate taste a little dodgy? Anyone?

No idea where sis got this from.

I was rummaging through the fridge the other day and I found a couple of these and decided to take some photos.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Some colleagues brought some back from the California the last time they were there for training.

Some people claim that its the BEST chocolate ever. I don't know if I can agree with that but its pretty good.

Read this and this

Somehow stumbled upon those 2 blogs, and I have no idea how.

Again, no idea where sis got this but I didn't get a taste this time. Damn.

Today's "haul". They're having this Christmas thing where we have to do something nice for a random person whose name we pull out of a box.

This "game" is played every Wednesday and Friday.

And because I was rushing - I didn't really have time to scout for a present which was my intention of going out early today. Damn O'Brien's sandwiches distracted me. I have no idea why I had a craving to try O'Brien's today. RM 16 or so for a sandwich isn't cheap. But the Crispy Turkey was really crispy though

More Hershey's!

The Mallow Blast. While looking around for the last minute present for this girl I'm supposed to be nice to, I came across this - which I've never seen before.

On the packaging:
Hershey's Mallow Blast - Chocolate Covered Marshmallow with Strawberry Flavored Filling.
It's a mind-blowing combination of light, chewy Marshmallows bursting with luscious Strawberry flavor, dipped in rich Hershey's Milk Chocolate.

I'm a glutton and I've already had a couple of these. They're alright - more marshmallows, less chocolate though. Funny thing is, I don't think I can taste enough of the weird tasting chocolate.

RM 4.95 for the big pack and I think they
have some promotion for the smaller pack at RM 1.75 or so at Jusco 1Utama.

There was also the orange and the grape flavored ones, just like it said at the back of the package.

WTF is wrong with Roy, you wonder? Why am I posting about food and of all things, chocolate?

To prove that I've not gone insane from work-related stress, here's a picture of one of my purchases this week.

Spider-Man Origins - Spider-Man vs Doctor Octopus Battle Pack

RM 49.90 for this which I think is a bargain. I've been looking high and low for this version of Spider-Man after finding that my first one was not able to make his hands into a fist but were in a fixed "web shooting pose". One problem with Doc Ock is that he's not able to put his hands down to his sides. I've tried and looked but I don't see any joints to do so. But I got this set mainly for Spidey anyway.

Good job HASBRO for reissuing this figure. Now, if only you'd reissue the McFarlane version of Spider-Man.

So, had you fooled didn't I? Thought I'd no longer talk about toys? Got you good. Got your real good.

I've still not gotten my phone yet. Tempted to get it over the weekend but if I pay cash, money will be very, very tight this month. Then again, there's news that we might be getting paid earlier this month - so maybe I wouldn't have to wait that much longer.

However, several pictures I've seen have made me think twice about getting the Sony Ericsson K800i. Out of nowhere, comes this new contender:

The Nokia N73 ME (Music Edition)

And the image that really caught my eye was this picture by one of the forummers over at

Photo credit:

Red on black is really eye catching. I think the red-theme for the phone is really awesome. There's a silver-faced version which is pretty decent looking as well.

The Pros:
1) Again, its a Nokia and that's huge plus point for me
2) The shape isn't as "blocky" as the K800i
3) The camera is comparable to the K800i but not as advanced in terms of features
4) Smartphone - able to open files like QuickWord and QuickSheet with the QuickOffice Document Viewer and also Adobe PDF files. Alot more sophisticated to what I'm used to. No idea what the hell am I going to do with these functions but what the heck.
5) The memory cards for Nokia are cheaper

The Cons:
1) Unstable OS - Been hearing some horror stories about how it freezes for no apparent reason
2) No stereo Bluetooth - but come ot think of it, how often am I going to use Bluetooth?
3) I'm going to have to fork out about RM 200 - 300 extra for this phone because its newer
4) I'm so used to Nokia's interface, I'm just concerned I won't be able to adapt to the Sony Ericsson. Sony Ericsson will be unfamiliar territory for me.

Shit - I hate being so indecisive. How hard is it to actually get a new phone? I reckon I still have a couple of weeks left to think it over.

Nokia or the Sony Ericsson?

Anyone wants to help me decide? How about a vote!Talk some sense into me!!!!!

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