Monday, March 27, 2006


There's this new guy on the bus (ok - so maybe calling him a "psycho" is a little over-dramatic. but he clearly has issues). Let's just call him Mr. S.

Mr. S has displayed some rather disturbing behaviour. I've been watching him for the past week, starting Monday when I first saw him on the bus. Mr. S tends to turn back on the bus and then gives people a kind of stare. The kind of stare that would make one go "WTF are you staring at?!?!" or the Malaysian way "Stare cock ah?!?!". The problem is - he doesn't just turn around once but up to 3 to 4 times on each trip to and from work.

Whatsmore, everytime he gets off the bus, he will search in between the seats to ensure that he hasn't dropped anything. Signs of obsessive-compulsive behaviour? Or worse? *shudders*

But that's not all - it so happened the other night on the way home - he shouted out all of a sudden which shocked everyone. Most of us looked at each other asking "What happened?". I couldn't really make out what he said but it sounded like "bastard!". On the other hand, my friend JL said that it could be because he was saying the word "backstab" too loudly. Mr. S could've shouted "backstab" for all I know but the fact of the matter is - shouting all of a sudden clearly shows he has some issues!

Other breaking news - it would appear that I have a new obsession. TOYS. Today - I went out to get a THS 02 Optimus Prime. And what a journey it was.

Ever since I was a kid - I've had some sort of preference/liking for construction vehicles like cranes, bulldozers and the like. I remember having lots of them.

When the Transformers cartoon came about - I was a fan, hardly missing an episode if I can recall. The leader of the good guys (The Autobots) was Optimus Prime - a robot that transformed into a trailer/truck. He was THE hero at the time.

I remember dad getting me the Optimus Prime toy when I was about 8 or 9 years old as a birthday gift. I still remember it like it was yesterday. RM 89.90 from Kathy's at Jaya Supermarket, Section 14. I treasured the thing like it was gold. Always putting it back into the styrofoam packaging and back into the box after playing with it.

I remember watching the movie and I was crushed when Optimus Prime died. Yes - I think I almost cried. (Ask any 80's child who was a TF fan and they might tell you the same)

Fast forward a few years later when I was in secondary school- it (along with loads of my other well preserved toys) ended up in the toy basket and smashed to bits by I reckon would be mum's students who came over for classes.

It was the Transformers 20th Anniversary in 2002. The re-released some of the Generation 1 (G1) figures. (All this I did not know or care about until recently). The same exact toy that I got for RM 89.90 all those years ago was selling for about RM 700! Today - its gone into the RM 500-region for the re-released version. A mint condition, original G1 Optimus Prime will fetch a very handsome price.

Another example - a 30cm-tall Optimus Prime released in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary was about RM 350 when it came out in 2002. Today - its being sold for between RM 800 - 1000. Whoever knew that toys would be worth so much?

Yet another example: I used to have a TF called Grimlock (robot to T-rex dinosaur). Remember that I bought it the last time I was in Singapore and that was when I was still in primary school. No idea where the toy is now but a mint in box version can fetch up to RM 1000. Yes - RM 1000. So go dig up your old toys - there are buyers out there looking.

When I saw the pictures of the new THS 02 Optimus - I just had to have it. It somehow evoked old childhood memories and I just felt that I needed a replacement for the one that was destroyed. This one looked to be so much better - so much more poses.

It was to be sold at about RM 170. Then as the date for stocks to arrive crept closer - news of shortage were spreading around. Apparently - there wasn't enough stocks. The price went up to RM 180 - then to RM 200. Even before it physically arrived on store shelves! I ordered mine from a guy who only managed to get 2 units from his supplier and those were going to people who had paid a deposit (which I was not willing to do).

I checked with another guy on the forums and he too said that he was getting limited stocks (read an article that there's a shortage in Japan too). Checked with another toyshop - every single one was reserved.

I finally managed to locate a couple of stores selling it and now - I finally have it.

Unfortunately - I had another favourite character from the TF movie - Hot Rod. I used to have the toy - no longer around. I found him again today and I've added him to my collection.

Saw a pair of Hot Rods in mind condition going for RM 600 on Ebay. Uhuh....

My "haul" for the day

Optimus Prime - Front Flap of box

Optimus Prime - Back of box

Optimus Prime - Front Flap of box opened

Hot Rod - Front flap opened

What I really like about this new Optimus Prime is that its really poseable - check out the photos.

The poses:

Just standing around.....

Saturday Night Fever

Autobots - Transform and roll out.....!!!!!

Prime and the Matrix - Light our darkest hour

The downside - he's really small. Much smaller than my old G1 Prime. How small? Check these out:

Prime vs Luke Skywalker (my first Kubrick. Yay!)

Hand "sliced" off by the lightsaber

What the hell are Kubricks?

That will be the next entry then

Till all are one.....

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Quest For The Lightsaber (Conclusion)

I've finally got the elusive Anakin Skywalker ForceFX Lightsaber. The quest itself was not without it problems.

Went to Shiok Toys and they still have stocks remaining. Met the owner of the place - seems like a pretty young guy - will refer to him as Mr.Mysterio from now on. Late twenties to early thirties at the most. His toy/hobby is just a side-business. He only opens on weekdays after office hours, after 1:30pm on Saturdays and he closes on Sundays.

Went there last weekend to check out the place. Mostly Star Wars stuff. Got what I came for and went home.

Then, the horror began..... I realized that the lightsaber could be faulty. It was missing some sounds. That followed by some emails which Mr. Mysterio promptly replied. He said that since it was my first ForceFX - he didn't want me to have a bad experience with it and agreed for me to bring it in for an "inspection". He even went as far as to contact other customers to find out the total number of sounds on the lightsaber and sent me an email about it. Perhaps an attempt to convince me that there was nothing wrong with the one that I had.

I pressed on stating that I would still like to come in to compare it with other sabers. From that point on - there were no other emails from him - just updates about new arrivals at his store. I finally stopped by again yesterday. He was kind enough to test and compare with another lightsaber. The conclusion was that the first one I had had a slightly less sensitive motion-sensor that resulted in the missing sound. You really had to hit it pretty hard to get the sounds to be activited.

I finally settled for the 2nd lightsaber - but when I got home. I realized it wasn't perfect in another way. The sounds are all there, more responsive motion sensors but the LEDs doesn't light up as smoothly as the 1st one I got. I was thinking of going in for another exchange but decided against it. Nothing's perfect but I guess I've got to learn to accept what I have. *Point to note - Virgoes are somewhat perfectionists. It's in our nature!*

My First Star Wars figures - EVER

I didn't only leave the store with an exchange. I got my first Star Wars figures - EVER. Got a lightsaber attack Darth Vader and Pilot Gear Obi-Wan Kenobi. Why? I have no idea - perhaps it was the thought of the massive savings? Obi-Wan was originally selling for RM 33.90 but Mr.Mysterio slashed it down to RM 25.00. But that wasn't the reason I bought it. There's another store selling the same figure for RM 80.00. Why the huge difference? I honestly have no idea. I do know that the figures cannot be obtained elsewhere except for specialty toy stores. I don't see these figures in Jusco, Parkson or even Toys R Us anymore!

I cannot explain my sudden obsession with all things Star Wars. Even looking for the original Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith DVD is becoming a chore. Its as though its sold out almost everywhere! Only saw 1 copy at two different stores. Funny though - its not stated on the cover if it was a Region-1 or Region-3 DVD.

I think I've unintentionally going back to my collecting-roots. Except this time, I think its going to be toys.

Some of the toys that have got my attention:

Batman Lego

Batman has always been one of my favorite superheroes. Now he's coming in block-sized goodness!

Sideshow Collectibles - 12" Aragorn figure

I'll always remember Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I've not read the books when I saw the movie. I attempted but never got round to finishing even 10-chapters (and that's a generous estimate).

Not knowing the history of LOTR - the scene on Amon Hen when Aragorn confronts Frodo as he's about the escape from the Fellowship when the Uruk Hai managed to catch up to him. I thought - "That's it - Aragorn's dead. He's outnumbered".

Well, not only did he hand the Uruk-Hais @sses back to them - he was the hero of the whole trilogy! And I was always a sucker for the heroes - ever since I was a kid.

T.H.S 02 - G1 Convoy by Takara

Translation? T.H.S 02 - G1 Convoy = Transformers Hybrid Style - Generation 1 Convoy.

A Japanese company called Takara's manufacturing the Transformers toys. Optimus Prime (another childhood hero) is known as Convoy in Japan.

I used to own the Hasbro version when it came out way back in the 80s. I remember dad getting it as a birthday present from Kathy's Toyshop at Jaya for RM 89.90. At that time, RM 89.90 was a big deal for a toy. At least I think it was. The toy's in pieces now and all I have left is the laser blaster that the original G1 Optimus Prime came with. This toy was re-issued in 2000 during the 20th Anniversay of Transformers. Selling price? RM 750.00. Today - the Japanese version by Takara can be obtained for about RM 500 - 550. Some people are selling it, can be found on EBay as well.

Toys R Us Reissue Optimus Prime selling for RM 550 on EBay Malaysia

I don't know if I'm prepared to spend RM 500 for the Optimus Prime - so the THS version might be my best bet. Its more poseable. Probably cost about RM 200. Downside - its so much smaller compared to my old Prime.

The Pepsi version of Optimus Prime on the left was similar in design and size to my old Prime. The huge one on the righ is the 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Edition. While the little guy is the new THS 02 Convoy.

Still need to know how small it is?

Oh well - you win some, you lose some. I think I might place a pre-order for this one.

And that of the lightsaber I was raving on and on about - I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

Lightsaber OFF in fully lighted room

Lightsaber ON with dim-lights (notice the blue glow)

Lightsaber ON in complete darkness

I once had a toy sword - the Sword of Omens from Thundercats. Battery operated, light up Thundercats logo. A toy collector stated that this was the holy grail.

Sword of Omens/Eye of Thundera

My favorite shot- just like the movies

Compare that to the ForceFX Lightsaber. What's that going to be 15 years from now?

Happy Reading - and may the Force be with you! :D