Mr. S has displayed some rather disturbing behaviour. I've been watching him for the past week, starting Monday when I first saw him on the bus. Mr. S tends to turn back on the bus and then gives people a kind of stare. The kind of stare that would make one go "WTF are you staring at?!?!" or the Malaysian way "Stare cock ah?!?!". The problem is - he doesn't just turn around once but up to 3 to 4 times on each trip to and from work.
Whatsmore, everytime he gets off the bus, he will search in between the seats to ensure that he hasn't dropped anything. Signs of obsessive-compulsive behaviour? Or worse? *shudders*
But that's not all - it so happened the other night on the way home - he shouted out all of a sudden which shocked everyone. Most of us looked at each other asking "What happened?". I couldn't really make out what he said but it sounded like "bastard!". On the other hand, my friend JL said that it could be because he was saying the word "backstab" too loudly. Mr. S could've shouted "backstab" for all I know but the fact of the matter is - shouting all of a sudden clearly shows he has some issues!
Other breaking news - it would appear that I have a new obsession. TOYS. Today - I went out to get a THS 02 Optimus Prime. And what a journey it was.
Ever since I was a kid - I've had some sort of preference/liking for construction vehicles like cranes, bulldozers and the like. I remember having lots of them.
When the Transformers cartoon came about - I was a fan, hardly missing an episode if I can recall. The leader of the good guys (The Autobots) was Optimus Prime - a robot that transformed into a trailer/truck. He was THE hero at the time.
I remember dad getting me the Optimus Prime toy when I was about 8 or 9 years old as a birthday gift. I still remember it like it was yesterday. RM 89.90 from Kathy's at Jaya Supermarket, Section 14. I treasured the thing like it was gold. Always putting it back into the styrofoam packaging and back into the box after playing with it.
I remember watching the movie and I was crushed when Optimus Prime died. Yes - I think I almost cried. (Ask any 80's child who was a TF fan and they might tell you the same)
Fast forward a few years later when I was in secondary school- it (along with loads of my other well preserved toys) ended up in the toy basket and smashed to bits by I reckon would be mum's students who came over for classes.
It was the Transformers 20th Anniversary in 2002. The re-released some of the Generation 1 (G1) figures. (All this I did not know or care about until recently). The same exact toy that I got for RM 89.90 all those years ago was selling for about RM 700! Today - its gone into the RM 500-region for the re-released version. A mint condition, original G1 Optimus Prime will fetch a very handsome price.
Another example - a 30cm-tall Optimus Prime released in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary was about RM 350 when it came out in 2002. Today - its being sold for between RM 800 - 1000. Whoever knew that toys would be worth so much?
Yet another example: I used to have a TF called Grimlock (robot to T-rex dinosaur). Remember that I bought it the last time I was in Singapore and that was when I was still in primary school. No idea where the toy is now but a mint in box version can fetch up to RM 1000. Yes - RM 1000. So go dig up your old toys - there are buyers out there looking.
When I saw the pictures of the new THS 02 Optimus - I just had to have it. It somehow evoked old childhood memories and I just felt that I needed a replacement for the one that was destroyed. This one looked to be so much better - so much more poses.
It was to be sold at about RM 170. Then as the date for stocks to arrive crept closer - news of shortage were spreading around. Apparently - there wasn't enough stocks. The price went up to RM 180 - then to RM 200. Even before it physically arrived on store shelves! I ordered mine from a guy who only managed to get 2 units from his supplier and those were going to people who had paid a deposit (which I was not willing to do).
I checked with another guy on the forums and he too said that he was getting limited stocks (read an article that there's a shortage in Japan too). Checked with another toyshop - every single one was reserved.
I finally managed to locate a couple of stores selling it and now - I finally have it.
Unfortunately - I had another favourite character from the TF movie - Hot Rod. I used to have the toy - no longer around. I found him again today and I've added him to my collection.
Saw a pair of Hot Rods in mind condition going for RM 600 on Ebay. Uhuh....
My "haul" for the day

Optimus Prime - Front Flap of box

Optimus Prime - Back of box

Optimus Prime - Front Flap of box opened

Hot Rod - Front flap opened