There have been some official reviews already out. Some lucky bastards have managed to catch the screening for the press. All of them have been generally positive for now:
a) 3.5 Stars out of 4 - Rolling Stone Magazine
b) 8.5/10 - The Movie Blog (check out the video review for the reviewers thoughts on Heath Ledger's performance)
Along with all of that, there were video clips and images etc.
All of the reviews I've read so far give Heath Ledger's performance heaps of praise. He already looks amazing from the trailers. I think for once, I'm actually more hyped to see the villain instead of the hero!
18 days to go. Just 18.....
And then, there's this:
We (fans) were teased with some "spy/stealth" pics taken from a Toy Exhibition in Hong Kong or Japan.
And then, the official manufacturer's photos were released.
Batman (The Dark Knight suit):

New Bruce Wayne alternate head (serious VS. calm)
The Batpod (cost RM 740 here!!!!!):

And finally, the mother-fcuking TUMBLER! (ONLY RM 1380 here)

OMG - that thing is HUGE!

OMG - that thing is HUGE!
The Batpod and Tumbler are scheduled for release in December 2008. They would make really, really NICE Christmas presents :D
There were also some photos from the exhibition of the Medicom versions of "The Dark Knight" figures.

Batman is impressive, Joker's headsculpt is good, shame about the outfit

The Bruce Wayne looks too cartoony, but the suit is an Armani replica!

Medicom Joker (left) and Hot Toys Joker (right)
There were also some photos from the exhibition of the Medicom versions of "The Dark Knight" figures.

Batman is impressive, Joker's headsculpt is good, shame about the outfit

The Bruce Wayne looks too cartoony, but the suit is an Armani replica!

Medicom Joker (left) and Hot Toys Joker (right)
Also seen at the show - I'm sure thats pretty recognizable.

"Get to da choppaaa!!!!!"

"Get to da choppaaa!!!!!"
And finally, something else that has my attention:
I just Wiki-ed and found out that she's a Japanese character called Machiko Noguchi from the Aliens VS. Predator comics.
I just Wiki-ed and found out that she's a Japanese character called Machiko Noguchi from the Aliens VS. Predator comics.
I see Angelina Jolie right there