I was at Ultimate Toys the other day and I saw the last ForceFX Anakin Skywalker lightsaber for sale. As I was going off to work - I didn't (couldn't) do anything about it. If I had decided to get it there and then, I would be lugging a 4 1/2 foot box around with me.
I finally decided and my quest to find my lightsaber began today.
I've been irritating Ryan by asking him if I should get the lightsaber. I finally made up my mind and decided that I might check out a place called "SyiokToys" in Taman Tun. They supposedly have what I was looking for.
It was on the way. The website said that they're closed on Sundays, and there was a phone number listed. I didn't bother calling to find out if they were opened so I decided to stop by - just to see where it was as there was a map on their site. I drove to the location and sure enough, the grille gate was closed. There was a cobbler with his wares just outside the stairwell entrance. So off I went to 1Utama.
As I started out on my journey - I was beginning to have second thoughts again. Before actually stopping at ShiokToys, I was thinking of turning the car around and going back home. That didn't happen. I finally reached 1U and managed to get a parking space.
I walked around, doing some window shopping - trying to clear my mind. Was this what I really wanted? Did I really want to splash all that cash on a completely useless but desirable object? Saw some really nice Seiko watches - great more things I want to get now!
The company gave some Tower Records gift vouchers for a job well done so I decided to check out if there was anything I can get there. Had 2 things on my mind that I could use the vouchers for - "Batman Begins" DVD or "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" DVD. Not that I had anything to do with it - but assistant managers got RM 30 worth while the people who did all the hard work only got RM 10 worth. Browsed through the shelves but didn't see what I was looking for.
Stopped by the games store and again, was very close to getting Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories but I stopped myself. Must focus on the main mission - obtain a lightsaber, the distractions were welcomed though. It gave me some extra time to think.
Finally I arrived at the destination and wtf was that that I saw! A whole stack of Luke Skywalker Force FX lightsabers! I couldn't believe my eyes. These were supposed to be limited editions! I've seen these on sale on Ebay Malaysia! They were sold out everywhere! When it first came out - these were going for about RM 680 each.
I talked to the owner for abit and he told me these were modified versions. Better sound effects, uses sequential LEDs for the "power up/down" of the lightsaber. But where was my Anakin saber? The boss told me it completely sold out. Noooooooooooooooooooo.....
All that hesitation, second thoughts - all for nothing. The boss told me that I could place a deposit and he can try to source one for me. No gurantees that I'd get it as the production has already stopped. He mentioned that I should get the Darth Vader and Luke lightsabers before they sell out as well. If I had my way - I'd actually get them all. Believe me I would if I could.
I was at the shop for close to 20 minutes or so - contemplating if I should get the Luke's lightsaber, or place an order and try my luck to get the Anakin's lightsaber. The boss told me that Luke's handle was unchanged meaning it will still require 6 AA batteries to operate as opposed to only 3 of Anakin's. Some other walk-in customers were also drawn to the Anakin ForceFX demo units. There was this other guy who picked it up and started moving it around - that made me want it even more!
In the end, I told the boss, K, that I would think about it and I would be back. I knew I had other options if I still wanted to get the Anakin lightsaber. Ebay, or maybe its time to pay ShiokToys another visit.
As it turns out - they had neither one of them. Apparently all sold out. After strolling about and visiting several other shops - I found out that the I couldn't locate SW:ROTS at any of the stores except for Video Ezy. And they were having a sale but by that time - I was not in the mood. I suddenly didn't feel like spending RM 60 on a DVD.
I almost went back to the gamestore to get GTA: LCS but I managed to stop myself. And here I find myself again with more time to consider changing my mind about getting the lightsaber.
Maybe this coming weekend - I'll pay ShiokToys a visit. But first, I might shoot off an email to them and see if they still have Anakin sabers for sale.
And to think, I'm not really a Star Wars die-hard fan. Lets have a look at the things that got me psyched up.

The Force works in mysterious ways.....