Saturday, February 25, 2006

I must confess.....

.....I was not in a good mood. Three words to sum it up:

Fuck The World!!!!!

Now that I got that out of my system.

I'm angry because of things that are beyond my control. I'm angry because I do not have control of my own time - that my time is in the hands of others.

Somehow life revolves around other people's time now. Things are done based on other people's convenience. Its not just one instance - to have it happen over and over and over again for the past 10 years, its taking a toll on me.

I guess I just have to play with the cards that fate has dealt me.

I think I need therapy - retail therapy. Shopping will make me feel happier.

Was so close to getting Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories today. Phew.....

Stopped by Ultimate Toys at 1U again. The ForceFX lightsabers - damn. I feel like I must get one. Even had a dream about having one couple of them the other day.

Have this funny feeling - I seem to get a thrill of wanting something and when I finally get it, I lose interest in it. Maybe that only happens to impulse buys. I'm still keeping my eye on Ebay - there are some up for bids. Maybe I can get a good deal on those ForceFX lighsabers. Or maybe its another trip to Ultimate Toys with some plastic in my wallet!

2 people resigned today - 24 hour notice. The competitor across the street. A salary increase of about RM 800! Good for them. It was also the last day for another girl, SRC. Things not looking too rosy next week. Damn.....

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