What a crazy week it has been. Some unexpected news. Goodbyes are never easy. Just found out this week that not 1, but TWO really good people will be leaving the team. MO - LF says he'll be going to
Then the day after that, AMO - SF came up to me in the bus to tell me that she's already tendered her resignation. She says she couldn't take the working hours - plus her husband was trying to get her to stop due to health reasons. I was the only one she told in confidence thus far. She told me she didn't want the rest of our team to be de-moralized due to her leaving. She said that she'll put it off as long as possible and only tell them at the last minute. I suppose she has her own reasons for doing that. She's also been giving me advice and encouragement.
Losing 2 people would be a blow to the team. We're already struggling at times with the only MO and 5 AMO's that we have. With 2 of them going, we'll be down to 4. Heard that the replacement MO won't know much so he won't take calls like what MO - LF does for us.
Made a real compulsize purchase the other day. Spent RM 150 on 12 issues of Batman comics (issues # 608 - 619). I was actually only looking for the tradepaper, just to see what the fuss is about. OK - so Jim Lee's art is amazing, and also he's done Batman (as far as I know) on a regular basis. That's what pushed the prices up. I managed to track down the location of The Mind Shop (thanks to Sweet Suet). Went there and found the hardcover of Hush Volume 2 but Volume 1 sold out. There was a set of the "Hush" story-arc on sale by one of the members. That's when my impulse to buy came in. It is already considered collector's editions due to limited availability - you should see what the prices are on EBAY. Still I think $ 150.00 is reasonable considering that they're selling it for at idreamsilver:
Waited for so long for "Fable" to come out for the XBOX and when it finally came out. It doesn't fucking work! What a disappointment. Why? Check it out here. It's supposed to be a good game, humour and action. Sounds good enough for me. Met a forummer who offered to burn me a copy of the game in exchange for the copy that I have that doesn't work because of the damned XBOX DVD-Drive. Anyone wants to donate a new one? =D
Had to console myself with "The Guy Game" - lots of boobs, not one for the kids. But hey, I learn something from this trivia game! Do you know which animal has the largest eggs and how many pints of blood are there in the average human body? Wanna know more about "The Guy Game"? Click on ME!
Got to budget myself this month. Managed to find out that the shop near Giant is selling the DVDs for RM 10/each. Have to check out the other shop down the street to compare prices.
The original Star Wars DVD is coming out. Look at the price. Almost fucking RM 300 for 4 discs. What a killer! My extended edition "Lord Of The Rings" DVDs only cost about RM 200/set!
Hobbies are not cheap these days. Bloody hell. More details on the DVD on IGN.com. 10 PAGE review here. You have to admit that this is a really nice looking box/packaging.
I was never a really big Star Wars fan but this is really tempting. Of course there'll be the pirated version for sure. But will it look this good? I guess its alright to indulge once in awhile?
I've never used to much hyperlinks in a post before. I guess it beats having to explain everything that can already be found?
Credits to the respective sites and content writers for their hard work! :D