Sunday, September 08, 2002

Day: 263 (Sunday, 8th September 2002)
Time: 8:58 pm
Status: End of Week # 10
Days without PS2: 0 day(s)
Days without Cube: 28 day(s)
Days without XBOX: 1 day(s)
Listening to: Disco Montego (feat. Katie Underwood) - Magic

Been downloading some "new" songs again.

Nothing really interesing happened the past week except for that incident at work. This couple must've been high on drugs. Slurred speech - they seemed really stoned. I had just arrived at work and then they came in complaining they didn't receive 2 burgers they paid for. I directed them to the "Collection" window. Ben came up to me and asked what was going on. He had to check surveillance tapes and found out that they didn't even buy their stuff from our store. He called the police to let them know it wasn't safe for them to drive around in the condition they were in. Turns out they fell asleep and Ben had to shake them awake to tell them they didn't even come to our store. A couple of cops came and took them away and towed their car away as well.

School holidays are coming in about 2 to 3 weeks time. I might start getting some training in the kitchen. Time to start making burgers I guess. Was told by Ben I might get some kitchen shifts as well as training during the holidays. We might be getting new uniforms as well. Caps with polo-shirts and slack pants. Hrmm...wonder what those will look like. Also discovered that full timers need not wear visors. Time to lose the visor I suppose.

I have a feeling this update will be short so I'm sharing an article taken from today's "Star" paper, about how rich people spend their money. Interesting.

THE next time you are tempted to run off the road that flashy continental convertible that overtook you at the lights, here’s two things you ought to remember: that car really does cost more than your house, and yes, the driver does have more money than he knows what to do with.

According to a quick survey among luxury car importers, the most popular cars among Kuala Lumpur’s big spenders are the Mercedes, BMW and Porche – and the newest models with full specs (that, to you and me, means fancy gizmos like leather seats, car phone and television) will set you back nothing less than half a million ringgit. But if you prefer something a little more exotic – like the Ferrari or Lamborghini – be prepared to part with nothing less than a cool million. .

“The most expensive car we’ve sold was a beautiful red Ferrari which cost RM1.5mil. Now, we’ve got a RM1.8 million Ferrari Bachetta – this baby can really fly so it won’t be here for long,’’ says Dave Foong, manager of a luxury car importer in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

In the showroom are also two dozen other equally fancy-looking cars beckoning buyers with their gleaming metal and polished leather.

“They go really fast,’’ says Foong, snapping his fingers in quick succession as if to illustrate his point. “Some men buy new cars as often as they change their shirts.’’

To ordinary folks, it’s inconceivable how someone can dole out obscene sums of money simply to secure himself a faster ride, but for the men who are drawn to these dream machines, it’s the thrill of man versus metal.

“In the end, it’s all about control and power. It feels great to sit in the driving seat of a machine that’s mechanically superior with the looks that every other man envies. Even grown men like to show off their toys,’’ offers Foong, patting the cat-like Bachetta.

During the good times, the company sold as many as 30 to 40 cars a month.

And who exactly are the lucky boys who get to buy these dream toys?

A majority of their clients are corporate movers and shakers who literally collect cars as a hobby.

“Most of our customers are high-profile men – not many women come in to buy cars for themselves, though it could be because they have the cars bought for them,’’ Foong quips.

Foong says quite a few of his clients are past retirement age (“I suppose fast cars keep them feeling young”) but adds with a chuckle that “there are just as many executives under 40 who can afford any car they want, though many of them may not look as good as the car they buy.

“Some of our best clients just keep adding on to their fleet. Many have more than 10 cars at home, but every few months, they call up and say ‘give me your new one’.

“One tycoon came in and bought four cars at a go – that was a real jackpot for us.’’

In case you’re wondering, buying a car with a seven-digit price tag doesn’t quite work the same way as acquiring your Proton or Honda.

The car is sent to the client’s home for him to test drive at his leisure, and if he likes it, Foong then arranges all the nitty-gritty like insurance and road tax, after which the car is delivered to the new owner’s doorstep.

And, of course, there’s none of that business of arranging a bank loan.

“Most of our customers don’t haggle and pay the full amount in cash. Some transactions are done through a third party like a driver or a personal assistant, so the owner doesn’t even come to the showroom,’’ reveals Foong.

A lot of the time, the payment is only made upon delivery.

Foong’s sterling service also includes a sort of money-back-guarantee: “There have been the odd cases of buyers changing their minds about the car after a couple of months, so we take it back to sell.’’

And how much of a chance does a wannabe with no money have to get a feel of his dream car?

“Of course we get a lot of men who really can’t afford such a car coming in to have a look, and that’s fine. Some even bring their families with them if they come on a Saturday and you can see they would give anything to own one of these cars. Few even ask for a test drive but we don’t allow that unless we know them.’’

So you’ll just have to contend with looking and salivating – unless you sell your house.

KL was just asking me which was my favourite console. That's a toughie. Honestly, I suppose its the games that matter. That's why I got the Cube - why? Because I like Resident Evil and the series has just moved from Sony's Playstation to Nintendo's GameCube. I reckon I wouldn't have a bought a Cube so soon if Resident Evil had stayed on the Playstation.

Anyways, just about 5 days to go before I get Resident Evil for the Cube. This is THE REASON I got my Cube about 4 months ago. Can't bloody wait to blow up some zombies. Hope its released on time and Toys R Us better bloody have it next weekend or I won't be a happy man!

PF just flew back to Perth today. Talked to her awhile on ICQ before she had to go out to do some stuff. Was telling her I met AL - then realised its almost a month since I met her. I should call her one of these days I guess.

Almost time to go. Got some ironing to do as usual.

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