Saturday, December 11, 2004

Good Guy or Bad Boy.....

Evil thoughts

Don't you just hate the kids who go around in shopping malls with their stupid Heely shoes? You know those shoes with the rollers in the heels. The little shits are a menace. There were many times when I just felt like tripping them, or just clotheslining them, WWE Wrestling-style.

They shouldn't go around in shopping malls like that. They'll get someone or themselves hurt. And I wanna hurt them real bad. Their parents should tie them up with a leash. Damn the person who came up with the idea for the Heely's! Damn him.

More EVIL thoughts

There's a guy at work who deserves to be beaten up. Real bad. He's lucky he hasn't met my other friends or there'll be no mercy. Knowing my friends, they'll put a gunny sack of his head (but he's so small he might probably fit into the sack), kick the shit out of him and leave him in a bloody and broken mess. Somebody ought to do us all a big favour and teach this guy a lesson.

This guy, let's call him Tommy, is a little guy. He looks kinda weird too (OK, so I'm not the best looking guy in the world but hey, I'm entitled to my own opinion). It's hard to imagine so much noise can come out of a little guy like him. Small guy with a big mouth. The worse thing about him is his attitude. He probably thinks of himself very highly. Thinks that he's some genius or something. Imagine hearing him saying all fresh IT-grads "know nuts". Wait, maybe he didn't put it that way, he said "they know shit and they're useless" or something to that effect. OK, so he's in HSBC's IT Dept, does that mean he's hot shit? I don't think so.

So what do I have against Tommy? It's plain torture having to take the same transport as him everyday. He just doesn't shut up once he opens his mouth! All sorts of bullshit will come out of his mouth. He talks alot of smack for someone who's not doing customer service work. He makes it seem as though he'll be able to handle American customers. His trademark phrase - "just screw them up nicely, just fuck them up, don't give face". Even the driver laughs at Little Tommy saying he just doesn't stop talking.

Urm, yeah right. Let's see you try it out. My impression is that he talks smack when he's not around them, even when he talks to our American VP. Heck, I think he's a pussy.

He always seems to insulting everyone else, I'd bet if I told you ladies what he insults you with, you'd probably get your own gunny sack and stand in line, waiting to beat this little shit up. I hardly speak to him. I don't want to encourage him.

I wish this shift would end soon. Not only is the shift tiring, I have to put up with Little Tommy's bullshit. Another 3 weeks of torture. But I think he'll be going for his annual leave soon. Thank god.

My original MGS3 disc finally arrived on Friday. It's not working the way its supposed to. Maybe I need a new Playstation 2. Then again, my collection is complete. And "Return Of The King" Extended Edition DVD is coming out on 14th December 2004. Ouch. Maybe the DVD can wait until....

ZT sms-ed me this morning, apologizing for not replying the sms I sent her earlier this week. I told her I got Friday off and asked if she wanted to meet. She didn't reply, so I didn't purse further. She sms-ed me this morning, saying she could meet me for lunch. I told her it was going to be a rush cause its going to be Dei's wedding dinner tonight. I called her and she said it was ok, we could make it some other time. I promised I'd make it up to her the next time I see her. Next time.

Yes, I don't think I mentioned it anywhere in my blog before. My kid sister is getting married. Congratulations. What else can you say to a sibling who's getting married? It's going to be a reunion of sorts. Relatives coming back from Australia, I'm going to meet a whole bunch of people I don't even know tonight.

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