Monday, February 21, 2005
Neon signboards.....
It sure feels like I got a big neon signboard over my head that reads "SUCKER!".
I've been trying to get ZT on the phone ever since CNY. I'm pretty sure she's read my messages on Friendster and the sms but chose not to reply. Will they only call me when they want or need something? Or am I really a sucker? What do I do when/if they do contact me again? Am I going to turn to jelly again?
Someone please pinch me the next time I find myself drifting into this sort of trap again. PLEASE! And smash that neon signboard while you're at it.
It's the first time in about 4 years since I bought a book. Yes, a real book. The last book I bought was "The Lord of The Rings" after the first movie came out.
I finally succumbed to the hype and bought Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code". Believe the hype, the book's pretty good.
Now I say "pretty good" for a couple of reasons. I'm very, very stingy with compliments most of the time. I'm also not much of a reader (especially books). My reading material the past couple of years were limited to only car magazines and the ocassional FHM magazine.
I bought it on Saturday morning at Times, 1U after work, to prepare for a lousy shift on Saturday night. The last time I worked on a Saturday, I realized that interruptions did not make an enjoyable gaming experience when I brought my GBA to work. I now realize that I'm not much of a multi-tasker. Reading while waiting for calls is NOT enjoyable as well. I guess I'd like to concentrate 100% when I'm doing something.
The other reason that I think its good - I bought it on Saturday morning and I've finished half the book as of today. Question is, when I finish it - what next? I was checking out other authors, older books - Michael Crichton, Stephen King, Anne Rice.
The weather is murder. It's been so hot, the thunderstorms in the evenings are not much help. Looks like I've got a mild fever since yesterday. Time to retreat and confine myself to my air-con room. Can't wait for the next off-day!
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