Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reunion @ Wabisabi, 10th Nov 2007

Thanks to Facebook, a few of us old classmates managed to locate each other. Hui Fern was to come back from Hong Kong for a few days and she , Yvonne and I wanted to meet up. Somehow, it turned into this reunion.

It was to be held as the same day as the Annual Dinner. Somehow, I didn't feel like going this year. The last couple of dinners I've been too weren't that great, especially the food!

Weng Wai managed to reserve a table for us at Wabisabi at TTDI Plaza. Apparently he's quite a regular/he knows the owners etc.

Frankly, I thought the name was funny, and I had trouble pronouncing it. I had never been there before. Then again, I don't have much of a night life since I've started working.

I would never have imagined that TTDI Plaza would be so hip and happening. Rows of pubs/clubs lined both blocks. According to the sign on the frosted glass doors, Wabisabi was a Yakitori Bar. I had no idea what that is, so I had to Wiki it here.

Yvonne and Hui Fern were already there when I arrived. Yvonne wanted to read the autograph book first. We were chatting on MSN the night before and I mentioned that I still had my old autograph book from 1991!

After that, the rest started arriving one by one. We had a good time catching up - we haven't seen each other since secondary school for some.

The Autograph Book - "Antique"

Checking out the contents

Laughing at the stuff that they wrote 16 years ago

It was a kick watching them laugh their asses off at what they've wrote in my autograph books all those years ago. Some of the reactions were:

"Holy shit! You still have that?"

"I wrote that?! I wrote poems?"

"It's still in such good condition"

"It's great you're still keeping that - nice one"

Nice one indeed - it was fun watching their expressions - It was priceless.

The guys - Weng Wai, me, Clement, Danny

Group Shot - Hui Fern, Weng Wai, Desmond, me, Clement, Yvonne, Leong Chern, Leong Leng, Danny

Another Group Shot - Weng Wai, Leong Leng, Yvonne, me, Leong Chern, Clement, Josephine, Danny

Some of these friendships started way back in 1985 - that's 22 years. Sometimes, I'm amazed its been so long. The autograph book reads 1991 when we were in standard 6. Some of us were classmates since standard 1.

This one's dedicated to everyone present that day to make it happen:

Yvonne Ong, Choo Hui Fern, Danny Leong Tin Soong, Wong Leong Chern, Desmond Chan Sam Wai, Clement Chaw Fook Onn, Koh Weng Wai, Lionel Lim Leong Leng & Josephine Tham

22 years and counting, here's to many more - CHEERS

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