Monday, November 05, 2007

"I" before "E", except after "C"

Apparently, I have a problem with spelling the word "separate". I mis-spelt this word twice while chatting with Deidere online, spelling it as "sepErate". Must make mental note. Interestingly, she caught it again when I made the typo again today.

On the subject of spelling, you have to check out this video of Jim Carrey doing a David Caruso (Horatio Cane, CSI: Miami) impression. This is where the title of this post comes from. And after that you have to watch the next video (IN THAT ORDER!)

# 1 - Jim Carrey does Horatio Cane
# 2 - Scenes of Horation Cane from CSI: Miami

I can't stop laughing now when I watch CSI: Miami after I "discovered" the Jim Carrey clip. Enjoy!

This new change in shift timing still takes a little bit of getting used to. Not good! And I'm already suffering from the Monday blues. Don't really feel like going back to work. The weekends are just too short sometimes.

The diet I'm on is either working or its not. I'm currently going to start week-4 of the programme. If the scale is correct, I might have lost 2 kg. The problem is the reading fluctuates from 0kg change to a 2kg loss.

I don't know why, but I'm really desperate (Is it desperate or desparate? Because they are similar in spelling!) to get the Transformers Movie Ironhide.

I've been tracking an auction on eBay Malaysia, which finally ended at RM 191.50. The bidding actually jumped from RM 172.00 to RM 188.50 at one point. I guess I'm not the only one who wants this badly. Doesn't help that we can't find it anymore in Malaysia.

I want it so badly that I actually placed an order for it (Japanese TAKARA version) through, for about RM 150.00. Came across this info from the LowYat forums and there was a guy taking orders but charging RM 10 extra.

SY has bought from them before and says that they're pretty reliable and suggested I opened an account to order it myself and save the RM 10. I guess now I just have to wait and see. The item supposedly ships within 24 hours upon placing the order (assuming everything checks out in terms of credit card details etc). Then I have to wait a further 5 - 10 days or so for it to arrive. Shipping is free and SY hasn't encountered problems so far *touch wood*.

This is my 1st time buying something online. I did try to get some stuff previous off eBay with Mahen's help but that didn't end to well. 2 different sellers claimed to have sent off the 2 packages but they never arrived. Good thing PAYPAL reversed the transaction and I got my money back. Again, there shouldn't be any problems. *TOUCH WOOD*

Also found some more new pictures of the upcoming Hot Toys Superman/Clark Kent that's coming out in December 2007. That Superman is looking good - a very Brandon Routh-like resemblance, but do I see a slight hint of Tom Cruise in there as well?

Definitely an improvement compared to the old headsculpt.

HOT TOYS Superman Returns (December 2007 Re-Release)

HOT TOYS Superman Returns (Original)

Just got this in the mail, what will they think of next?

Just like something out of a Sci-Fi movie like "Minority Report" or something. Are these just working prototypes or have they already been manufactured?

And finally, a new photo of The Joker from the upcoming "The Dark Knight".

Another 8 months to go, just 8 ......

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