Sunday, February 29, 2004

Switching camps.....

Yes, I've switched camps and I'm back to being a Nokia supporter. I switched over to Samsung once and I've regretted it. Come to think of it, I've never been a Samsung supporter. I thought my old phone was crap. Managed to get the T-100 (True-I) traded in (Got RM 450 for it) for the 6610. Or was it a 6100? Shit, I get confused with all these code names. Was never really good with numbers anyway.

Had a chance to use it when Deidere traded phones with me some months back. Nice feel, good button sizes and layout. I was impressed with the phone. I wanted it for myself and I finally got it. Well, it is the 6610 - I guess its a decent phone. No, its not just decent, it does what its supposed to do and I think this phone does it well. You can't go wrong with a Nokia! =D

The 6610, only mine is white. Got a couple of Xpress covers free so I guess I can change it anytime I want. Got some additional freebies like new ringtones and wallpapers as well. But I'm not really concerned with those anyway. Just some freebies that came with the phone.

Deidere kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to trade in my phone. After all, I did pay AUS $50 for the past 12 months. And when I finally paid off my phone, I decided to go trade it in. I guess its will be better in the long run. At least I got a pretty decent offer. It was worth RM 500 a few months back.

I think I've taken a long break from bitching about my boss and company - so I think its time to start again!

THE FOOL told us to survey (read: get the cheapest) companies for web-hosting services. Now, I thought I'd get KL to do it but now that I think about what THE FOOL is like, don't want to trouble any of my friends and get them involved in any kind of business transactions with him. We managed to find a decent one and he decided to go for it. Then he fell sick and was away for 2 days. We finally found out he told his wife to call the company and told them to cancel it, saying that they were not interested - AFTER they faxed an invoice to him. I don't know if he's going for his wife's friend's recommendation or not having this all together.

The company is really a piece of architecture. We actually have leaks in the office at the moment. First it wasn't serious, just leaking pipes from the air-con unit. On Friday during the storm, the roof started leaking. The day before that, there was a storm as well. Lightning struck and there was a power trip. Good thing we have circuit breakers. Now I know how the extension got fried.

He expects us to get a replacement fuse and get a receipt for it "if we're free". It's now sitting in one of the drawers. He's the boss, he should be responsible for his own office plus its not really in our job scope to do his shopping for him. Especially if we can't claim for petrol. That cheap fuck can go get his own goddamn fuse.

I think its enough bashing for the time being. The weekend's almost over. Met WY and LK yesterday. Had a brief gaming session over at WY's house. LK had to go home for dinner and we met up with Amelyn after that for supper over at Maccas (like I've mentioned before, its fate) in BU. First time I've been there and the parking is crap. Didn't know they used the same lane for entry and exit. But I guess its alright, thought it was a 24-hour store but it closes late, or early in the morning rather. 2.00 am on normal days and 3.00 am on one of the other days - a weekend I reckon.

Now, its 11:33 am. Where's our breakfast?

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