Saturday, February 21, 2004's the weekend!

When the cats go away
The mice come out to play

Work when THE FOOL is around, play when he leaves. That's our normal routine at the office now. Since its the weekend, I'll leave him out of today's update. He's been in the spotlight for far too long! :D

Done something I haven't done for a long time last night. One phone call, a quick change of clothes and I was out the door. TS called to tell me that WL was at his place. Haven't seen those guys for ages - the last time I met them was about 3 years ago, before I left for Melbourne.

How time flies, people change. WL is doing well, working for Intel. Drives a flash car now (Mitsubishi FTO, 2.0) Seems that he's going to sell it and flying off to USA again soon for relocation. He suggested that I try sending in applications to Intel. That would mean I'd have to go to Penang (if I get the job). I'll probably consider as a last resort.

TS on the other hand, a sales engineer now. Nature hasn't been to kind on him. It's all because of genetics - he's starting to have male pattern baldness now. His scalp is easily visible. He's been commenting about his hair the whole night. Honestly haven't seen him for years. He's mentioned it before but never seen the extent of it.

We caught up, discussed the past, present and future. We got to meet again some other time.

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