Saturday, January 01, 2005

Goodbye 2004, Hello 2005.....

I arrived home after work today greeted by cloudy skies. It was the sort of weather that depresses you. Sadness. I'm awake now, 7 hours later and still no change in the weather.

5 days before the New Year, there was an earthquake which triggered the tsunami. I remember coming home from the wedding dinner and turning on the news. It was hard to imagine a tsunami hitting Malaysia. I was watching the scenes of the aftermath in Penang, that was nothing compared to the events that followed days after. Today, its reported that the death toll is approaching 150,000. Reports and news of the destruction have been replaying over and over again on major news channels - it reminded me of 9/11 when I was still in Melbourne, glued to the tv watching the Twin Towers being hit by the plane.

The magnitude 9.0 earthquake happened offshore, and that got me wondering, what would it be like if the earthquake was on land. Malaysians have never seen the natural disasters before, it was hard to imagine.

Of course there was a major hoo-ha at work, which I don't really intend to go into detail. One of the bad news is, there will no raise cause it seems that the new recruits will be getting a lower salary. The bastard VP JG was lying in our faces, we don't know how much he's keeping from us but that much we can tell now.

New Year's Day spent at the office, not much of a celebration at all. Got a some fruitcake from AMO SS. It was a colleague's last day so more cakes! A piece of Chocolate Banana cake from Secret Recipe and another chocolate cupcake. In fact, cakes are the staple diet for any sort of celebration at work.

I've signed my confirmation yesterday. AMO SS had a little talk with me about the appraisal. I've scored a 2-M (Medium) on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being "Perfect" worker aka machine and 5 being "Needs improvement". Of course, there is room for improvment. Isn't there always? This means, I've got to give 2 month notice if I decide to resign.

So to start off the new year, I've got myself a job with no raise. At least it'll get the bills paid for now. 4 people have left the company within the last week. My group started out with 30 people and there are about 8 left now.

My core leave was also approved so I'm off from 1st Jan 2005 - 10th Jan 2005. Now, so much free time, what do am I going to do? The only reason I applied for the leave was to help with transportation from Ryan.


The price of the Sony PSP has dropped below RM 1600. Lovely! IF only I had the extra cash to burn, this would be a nice item to have, among others.

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