Day: 168(Sunday, 2nd June 2002)
Status: Neither here nor there
Days without PS2: 4 day(s)
Days without Cube: 1 day(s)
Listening to: Boyz II Men - Doin' Just Fine
Shit - how did it happen? I actually forgot my medication today.
I was talking to PF about topics for her blog and she was asking for ideas, then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Well - that's been fixed. Told her to write about memory loss. She said no one knows about her blogs. I'd assume she wouldn't let me read it too. Hrmpphhh...fine...be that way :þ
I think I had a very brief conversation with JT today. She asked me if I already got my Cube. I guess she doesn't have time to read my journal. She hardly has time to e-mail me too. It was really weird. The first message she writes, she says hello and asks if I got my GameCube yet. Here's the conversation copied and pasted from ICQ -
Me: jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
JT: heeeellllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo. didu get the game cube?
Me: haha.. yes i did :P how are you?
JT: hehe..u spendthrift u...=o) so wen u gettin the games ler?...how many is out yet anyways?
Me: games? i think around 20 games out ... i only have 3 for it .. :P just got a new game yesterday ... the main reason i got it is for
the updated Resident Evil :D
JT: tsktsk...woi boy u how old oredi arrr!!!!!..kekee...must sound like mother a bit since ur mom dun prolly kno bout this rite?...=o)
so sides the games hows the job comin along?
Me: hahahah....you wanna be my mummy? :P then can i have more money for more games please? might be starting on monday ..
talked to the manager...he says i have 3 shifts next week. but still waiting for confirmation call...
JT: oh okeis..u think ur mommy will give u money to buy games?!!!!..i doubt i'll be such a mummy lo...i'll be the naggin kind...=o)
ok..so dats good new ssrite?...=o)...is ur lawyer still delayin ur pr thingy? hey i gots to go now...u take care...
And then she was off. I didn't even get to reply to that last message.
Well - what can I say about her? I've known her for ages. Probably known her half of my life. Since primary school. I used to sit behind her in class. Our teacher used to ask us to exchange our excercise books to be marked. I always somehow ended up exchanging with her. Well, almost all the time I suppose. I don't know if it was because of us being kids at that time, sometimes I while she turned around to pass me her book, I'd accidentally have contact with her hand and she goes " Eeeeewwwwwwwww ".
OK, it wasn't as if I was dirty or anything. Well damn, I HOPE I wasn't. I guess she didn't like the idea of being touched by a guy. She was the only girl who was interested in the RPG games that I was famous for. Yes - I was the Supreme Dungeon Master and she was a Cleric. Ahh...those were the days. I wonder if she remembers all these now.
Wasn't that close to her in Secondary school since we were in different classes. New friends, new life. It was just the occasional hi and bye. After we left school, I sort of lost contact with her. Managed to get her email in some forwarded/mass e-mail from someone else. Extracted it and got in contact with her. Met her a few times after that. I suppose I can say we're still considered close now after all these years. I guess since she did admit I am the only one she still keeps in contact with on a (semi) regular basis, it must mean just that, right?
OK - an entire post dedicated to one girl? Hrmm...what does that tell you dear readers? Honestly, she's not just any girl. She doesn't know how special she is. And that's all you're getting as well. No more ... the rest is a secret. Case closed. Finito. Am I a tease or what? :þ I know some of you are probably going to dig for more information on this. I just know it. Hey, you're already reading some of my inner thoughts. Don't I get to keep some private details to myself?
Next up. Was watching Smackdown with Celine and KA this evening. DT and ML went out somewhere. When they got home, the usual black face. They started arguing about something again. *Sighs* Well, it doesn't concern me I suppose. What do I care?
Something else I didn't mention in my last post. Started chatting in IRC with this girl with the nick EvoGal. She says she used to drive an Mitsubishi Evolution V. And she's Singaporean. Now that really says something. An EVO V is a performance car which costs in the vicinity of RM 300,000. Cars are not cheap in Singapore, with the COE and shit. Unfortunately, she sold the car off. She says she drives some Toyota now which she took to Skudai,Johor to get modified. She confessed she's a girl with tomboyish interests. Fishing and billiards among them. But I have a picture she sent me - doesn't look like a tomboy at all. *winks*
Hrm, it's 2.06 am. Don't know what to do. Not sleepy. Don't know if the tv is available. Should I go play some games? Should I go to sleep? Should I stay online? Whatever it is, this is enough for tonight. Or is it? I decided I should update my "Things To Get" list. Has there been changes or what? This is what the old one looks like with a little modifictions. What's this? More things to get? My oh my....
Wish List:
1) Nintendo GameCube (EDIT: Got it)
- Resident Evil series (NEW! YES, I decided that I just don't want RE1, I want the whole series as a collection if possible. With the exception of RE 2 and RE3:Nemesis I have on pirated CDs, the rest are coming to the Cube and I WANT THEM ALL)
- Super Smash Brothers Melee (EDIT: Got it)
- Star Wars: Rogue Leader (maybe) (EDIT: Got it)
- WWF Wrestlemania X8 (maybe)
- Legend Of Zelda (NEW!)
2) Final Fantasy X for PS2
3) New fragrance ( I have considered Davidoff "Cool Water" and Hugo "Dark Blue" before )
4) New wallet (possibly the Timberland Tri-fold wallet at Daimaru)
5) All Saints CD (can't remember the title - but its their last one with Pure Shores and Black Coffee)
6) $ 150 from DT (EDIT: Got it)
7) New watch - preferably a Tag Heuer Kirium F1(NEW!)
I don't know if I've mentioned this before but donations in cash or the items listed are most welcome. In fact, I'll love you for the rest of my life if you make a donation *grins*
Speaking of watches, I was in the city the other day when I went to do my stuff and I walked past this store. I saw the Seiko Kinetic watch that I wanted as well. The nicer looking one was selling for AUS $ 800 while the other one was AUS $ 600 or more. Hrm - Seiko isn't too shabby. Would definitely look better - more professional. Who knows it might be cheaper by the time I get around to buying it.
Now, it's not that I'm materialistic or anything like that. I guess its my nature. Why? I was talking to someone about a quiz from a link I gave. He was telling me he's a King while I'm a Prince. Then I proceed to tell him that I'm supposed to be a King, based on my name. It comes from this drink coaster I got with my name and a short description printed on it. Here's what it says about me:
"Roy - From the Old French meaning 'king'. He loves the company of others and appreciates the beautiful things in life. A born entertainer who enjoys an audience."
See there, it says I enjoy beautiful things. A Tag Heuer Kirium F1 is beautiful. There are other beautiful things in life as well. Like CG # 1 and # 2 among others. :þ Anyway, that description up there sounds so good, I'll see if I can add it to my blog.
Here's a link to the quiz if you're interested though it seems to be down while I'm writing this.
OK, time to stop. This is all for now.
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